Raspberry Pi
Replace LEGO NXT/EV3 with the Raspberry Pi-BrickPi duo for more functionality.
Connect LEGO
Integrate web services, network multiple robots together, and operate remotely through wi-fi.
More Languages
Build with LEGO sensors, motor & Technic parts but program in Python, Scratch, or Java.
Lego Mindstorms is a popular and powerful robotics platform, but when learning how to develop for a networked world, there are some serious limitations. We built the BrickPi system to add functionality and enable connectivity with web services, networking multiple robots together, and operating robots remotely through wi-fi. BrickPi works with all NXT and EV3 sensors and motors.
BrickPi Kits
BrickPi for Groups
Pack of five (5) BrickPi Starter Kits. Check out a sample curriculum from Imperial College.