#! /bin/bash # This script updates the the code repos on Raspbian for Robots. ################################################ ######## Parsing Command Line Arguments ######## ################################################ # definitions needed for standalone call PIHOME=/home/pi DEXTER=Dexter DEXTER_PATH=$PIHOME/$DEXTER RASPBIAN=$PIHOME/di_update/Raspbian_For_Robots DEXTERSCRIPT=$DEXTER_PATH/lib/Dexter/script_tools SENSOR_DIR=$DEXTER_PATH/DI_Sensors # the top-level module name for python package # used for identifying present packages REPO_PACKAGE=di_sensors LINEFOLLOWER_PACKAGE=line_follower # called way down bellow check_if_run_with_pi() { ## if not running with the pi user then exit if [ $(id -ur) -ne $(id -ur pi) ]; then echo "DI-Sensors installer script must be run with \"pi\" user. Exiting." exit 6 fi } # called way down below parse_cmdline_arguments() { # whether to install the dependencies or not (avrdude, apt-get, wiringpi, and so on) installdependencies=true updaterepo=true install_rfrtools=true install_pkg_rfrtools=true install_rfrtools_gui=true # the following 3 options are mutually exclusive systemwide=true userlocal=false envlocal=false usepython3exec=true # the following option tells which branch has to be used selectedbranch="master" declare -ga rfrtools_options=("--system-wide") # iterate through bash arguments for i; do case "$i" in --no-dependencies) installdependencies=false ;; --no-update-aptget) updaterepo=false ;; --bypass-rfrtools) install_rfrtools=false ;; --bypass-python-rfrtools) install_pkg_rfrtools=false ;; --bypass-gui-installation) install_rfrtools_gui=false ;; --user-local) userlocal=true systemwide=false declare -ga rfrtools_options=("--user-local") ;; --env-local) envlocal=true systemwide=false declare -ga rfrtools_options=("--env-local") ;; --system-wide) ;; develop|feature/*|hotfix/*|fix/*|DexterOS*|v*) selectedbranch="$i" ;; esac done # show some feedback on the console if [ -f $DEXTERSCRIPT/functions_library.sh ]; then source $DEXTERSCRIPT/functions_library.sh # show some feedback for the DI_Sensors if [[ quiet_mode -eq 0 ]]; then echo " _____ _ "; echo " | __ \ | | "; echo " | | | | _____ _| |_ ___ _ __ "; echo " | | | |/ _ \ \/ / __/ _ \ '__| "; echo " | |__| | __/> <| || __/ | "; echo " |_____/ \___/_/\_\\\__\___|_| _ "; echo " |_ _| | | | | (_) "; echo " | | _ __ __| |_ _ ___| |_ _ __ _ ___ ___ "; echo " | | | '_ \ / _\ | | | / __| __| '__| |/ _ \/ __| "; echo " _| |_| | | | (_| | |_| \__ \ |_| | | | __/\__ \ "; echo " |_____|_| |_|\__,_|\__,_|___/\__|_| |_|\___||___/ "; echo " "; echo " "; echo " _____ _____ _____ "; echo " | __ \_ _| / ____| "; echo " | | | || |_____| (___ ___ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ ___ "; echo " | | | || |______\___ \ / _ \ '_ \/ __|/ _ \| '__/ __|"; echo " | |__| || |_ ____) | __/ | | \__ \ (_) | | \__ \ "; echo " |_____/_____| |_____/ \___|_| |_|___/\___/|_| |___/"; fi feedback "Welcome to DI_Sensors Installer." else echo "Welcome to DI_Sensors Installer." fi echo "Updating DI_Sensors for $selectedbranch branch with the following options:" ([[ $installdependencies = "true" ]] && echo " --no-dependencies=false") || echo " --no-dependencies=true" ([[ $updaterepo = "true" ]] && echo " --no-update-aptget=false") || echo " --no-update-aptget=true" ([[ $install_rfrtools = "true" ]] && echo " --bypass-rfrtools=false") || echo " --bypass-rfrtools=true" ([[ $install_pkg_rfrtools = "true" ]] && echo " --bypass-python-rfrtools=false") || echo " --bypass-python-rfrtools=true" ([[ $install_rfrtools_gui = "true" ]] && echo " --bypass-gui-installation=false") || echo " --bypass-gui-installation=true" echo " --user-local=$userlocal" echo " --env-local=$envlocal" echo " --system-wide=$systemwide" # create rest of list of arguments for rfrtools call rfrtools_options+=("$selectedbranch") [[ $usepython3exec = "true" ]] && rfrtools_options+=("--use-python3-exe-too") [[ $updaterepo = "true" ]] && rfrtools_options+=("--update-aptget") [[ $installdependencies = "true" ]] && rfrtools_options+=("--install-deb-deps") [[ $install_pkg_rfrtools = "true" ]] && rfrtools_options+=("--install-python-package") [[ $install_rfrtools_gui = "true" ]] && rfrtools_options+=("--install-gui") echo "Using \"$selectedbranch\" branch" echo "Options used for RFR_Tools script: \"${rfrtools_options[@]}\"" } ################################################# ######### Cloning DI_Sensors & RFR_Tools ######## ################################################# # called in <> check_dependencies() { command -v git >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "This script requires \"git\" but it's not installed. Error occurred with RFR_Tools installation." >&2; exit 1; } command -v python >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "Executable \"python\" couldn't be found. Error occurred with RFR_Tools installation." >&2; exit 2; } command -v pip >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "Executable \"pip\" couldn't be found. Error occurred with RFR_Tools installation." >&2; exit 3; } if [[ $usepython3exec = "true" ]]; then command -v python3 >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "Executable \"python3\" couldn't be found. Error occurred with RFR_Tools installation." >&2; exit 4; } command -v pip3 >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "Executable \"pip3\" couldn't be found. Error occurred with RFR_Tools installation." >&2; exit 5; } fi if [[ ! -f $DEXTERSCRIPT/functions_library.sh ]]; then echo "script_tools didn\'t get installed. Enable the installation of dependencies with RFR_Tools.'" exit 8 fi } # called way down below install_rfrtools_repo() { # if rfrtools is not bypassed then install it if [[ $install_rfrtools = "true" ]]; then curl --silent -kL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DexterInd/RFR_Tools/$selectedbranch/scripts/install_tools.sh > $PIHOME/.tmp_rfrtools.sh echo "Installing RFR_Tools. This might take a while.." bash $PIHOME/.tmp_rfrtools.sh ${rfrtools_options[@]} # > /dev/null ret_val=$? rm $PIHOME/.tmp_rfrtools.sh if [[ $ret_val -ne 0 ]]; then echo "RFR_Tools failed installing with exit code $ret_val. Exiting." exit 7 fi echo "Done installing RFR_Tools" fi # check if all deb packages have been installed with RFR_Tools check_dependencies source $DEXTERSCRIPT/functions_library.sh } # called way down bellow clone_disensors() { # $DEXTER_PATH is still only available for the pi user # shortly after this, we'll make it work for any user sudo mkdir -p $DEXTER_PATH sudo chown pi:pi -R $DEXTER_PATH cd $DEXTER_PATH # it's simpler and more reliable (for now) to just delete the repo and clone a new one # otherwise, we'd have to deal with all the intricacies of git sudo rm -rf $SENSOR_DIR git clone --quiet --depth=1 -b $selectedbranch https://github.com/DexterInd/DI_Sensors.git cd $SENSOR_DIR } ################################################ ######## Install Python Packages & Deps ######## ################################################ # called by <> install_python_packages() { [[ $systemwide = "true" ]] && sudo python2 setup.py install \ && [[ $usepython3exec = "true" ]] && sudo python3 setup.py install [[ $userlocal = "true" ]] && python2 setup.py install --user \ && [[ $usepython3exec = "true" ]] && python3 setup.py install --user [[ $envlocal = "true" ]] && python2 setup.py install \ && [[ $usepython3exec = "true" ]] && python3 setup.py install } # called by <> remove_python_packages() { # the 1st and only argument # takes the name of the package that needs to removed rm -f $PIHOME/.pypaths # get absolute path to python package # saves output to file because we want to have the syntax highlight working # does this for both root and the current user because packages can be either system-wide or local # later on the strings used with the python command can be put in just one string that gets used repeatedly python2 -c "import pkgutil; import os; \ eggs_loader = pkgutil.find_loader('$1'); found = eggs_loader is not None; \ output = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(eggs_loader.get_filename('$1'))) if found else ''; print(output);" >> $PIHOME/.pypaths sudo python2 -c "import pkgutil; import os; \ eggs_loader = pkgutil.find_loader('$1'); found = eggs_loader is not None; \ output = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(eggs_loader.get_filename('$1'))) if found else ''; print(output);" >> $PIHOME/.pypaths if [[ $usepython3exec = "true" ]]; then python3 -c "import pkgutil; import os; \ eggs_loader = pkgutil.find_loader('$1'); found = eggs_loader is not None; \ output = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(eggs_loader.get_filename('$1'))) if found else ''; print(output);" >> $PIHOME/.pypaths sudo python3 -c "import pkgutil; import os; \ eggs_loader = pkgutil.find_loader('$1'); found = eggs_loader is not None; \ output = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(eggs_loader.get_filename('$1'))) if found else ''; print(output);" >> $PIHOME/.pypaths fi # removing eggs for $1 python package # ideally, easy-install.pth needs to be adjusted too # but pip seems to know how to handle missing packages, which is okay while read path; do if [ ! -z "${path}" -a "${path}" != " " ]; then echo "Removing ${path} egg" sudo rm -f "${path}" fi done < $PIHOME/.pypaths } # called way down bellow install_python_pkgs_and_dependencies() { feedback "Removing \"$REPO_PACKAGE\" and \"$LINEFOLLOWER_PACKAGE\" to make space for new ones" remove_python_packages "$REPO_PACKAGE" remove_python_packages "$LINEFOLLOWER_PACKAGE" # installing the di_sensors package pushd $SENSOR_DIR/Python > /dev/null install_python_packages popd > /dev/null # installing the red line follower package pushd $SENSOR_DIR/Python/di_sensors/red_line_follower > /dev/null install_python_packages popd > /dev/null feedback "Configuring the red line follower in DI_Sensors installation" source $SENSOR_DIR/Install/update_functions.sh configure_line_follower feedback "Done configuring the red line follower in DI_Sensors installation" } ################################################ ######## Aggregating all function calls ######## ################################################ check_if_run_with_pi parse_cmdline_arguments "$@" install_rfrtools_repo clone_disensors install_python_pkgs_and_dependencies exit 0