Raspberry Pi

  • Dex_desktop

    Set Up Your SD Card for the Raspberry Pi Using Linux

    First, download a copy of the latest Raspbian for Robots image from Sourceforge here or Google Drive here. On Sourceforge, click “Files” and you should see a screen like below. Ubuntu users should download the latest ZIP compressed file.  Files in this directory are arranged and named by date.  Select the latest file, and hover your mouse over the...

  • raspberry-pi-b-topview-1-800x800

    Five Ways To Run a Program On Your Raspberry Pi At Startup

    Run a Program On Your Raspberry Pi At Startup In this tutorial we show you five ways you can run a program on your Raspberry Pi at startup.  The five methods that are available to run a program at boot are: rc.local .bashrc init.d tab systemd crontab Sample Program You can use any program that you want to run at...

  • speaker-speaker_and_raspberry_pi

    How To Make Your Raspberry Pi Speak

    Introduction: Make Your Raspberry Pi Speak! Sometimes your robot just wants to talk!  This tutorial will show you how to make your Raspberry Pi speak aloud. We will use a software package called Espeak to convert text (or strings) into spoken words, out loud, on your robot. We show you three examples: How to create a countdown. How to modify the voice....

  • raspberry-pi-camera-take-a-picture-in-scratch

    How to Take a Picture in Scratch with the Raspberry Pi

    In this tutorial we show you how to Take a Picture in Scratch using the Raspberry Pi Camera and the Raspberry Pi computer. We show you how to take a photo using Scratch with the Raspberry Pi and the Raspberry Pi Camera. In this tutorial, we use the GoPiGo Raspberry Pi Robot, but the tutorial will work with the...

  • Access Your Raspberry Pi From Outside Your Home or Local Network

    Access your Pi Away From your Home or Local Network

    Access Your Raspberry Pi From Outside Your Home or Local Network If you’ve ever tried to set up your Raspberry Pi as an Internet of Things device, you’ll know that unless you jump through some massive hoops, you’re stuck serving web pages and data on your local network.  It can be a challenge to access your Raspberry Pi from...

  • Reducing the size of the Raspberry Pi Image

    As you keep using the Raspberry Pi, the SD card image becomes bloated and filled up with files that you do not need anymore. If you want to make a backup image or just want to have some of that precious SD card space back, it becomes very difficult to reclaim any of the wasted space. One of the easiest...

  • VNC-logo

    Connect to your Raspberry Pi with your Mobile/Tablet

    Wouldn’t it be great if you could connect to your Raspberry Pi Directly from your mobile phone or tablet? There is a very simple and easy way that you can control your Pi directly from your phone or tablet. Attach a bluetooth Keyboard and you can have a mobile Linux computer at your disposal. First install tightvncserver on your Raspberry...

  • Connecting to Raspberry Pi without a monitor for Beginners

    Congrats on your new Raspberry Pi. You are holding a great little device with a unlimited potential in it. You can create your  own version of Dropbox, or a crazy little LEGO tank of maybe a server to host your own website with this little credit card sized computer. Like most of the users, you probably don’t have a spare...

  • Dexter Industries LEGO Robot WIth Raspberry Pi

    LEGO MINDSTORMS Motors with Raspberry Pi (BrickPi 0.1)

    Since we first got the Raspberry Pi, we have wanted to make a robot out of it.  There aren’t many kits out there yet that let you do that (yet).  This HowTo Raspberry Pi Project shows you how we hacked together a motor controller from the Raspberry Pi and used it to control LEGO MINDSTORMS Motors. The LEGO MINDSTORMS...

  • LEGO MINDSTORMS and the Raspberry Pi

    LEGO MINDSTORMS Touch Sensor with the Raspberry Pi

    We’ve written previously about connecting LEGO MINDSTORMS I2C sensor to the Raspberry Pi. This is another sensor post: how to get an NXT Touch Sensor working with the Raspberry Pi. Unlike the dIMU in our previous post, this sensor does not use digital communications like I2C. Rather it’s a simple on/off GPIO. Wait, what’s a GPIO? The acronym stands...
