Selfie Stick and LEGOs
This week our featured project shows you how to turn your Raspberry Pi and BrickPi into handy selfie stick.
We take a BrickPi, a Raspberry Pi and Raspberry Pi Camera, a pile of LEGOs and some extra supplies to turn a Raspberry Pi into a way to take pictures of yourself.
Turn your Brick Pi into a Selfie Stick! Because… why not??
The selfie stick is an absurd trend sweeping the world on a crest of narcism, and so we bring shame to the Raspberry Pi community by converting a beautiful, useful piece of technology into a crude tourist sensation.

Enjoy with Friends
Our project will take you step-by-step through making a selfie stick out of your Raspberry Pi. We include the code, which can be found on github here.
Enjoy and if you take some selfies, share them with us on Twitter!