dPressure Trumpet
Jetro published this awesome video of his Mindstorm NXT trumpet. At the heart of it: some seriously creative programming. Near the heart of it: a dPressure pressure sensor. UPDATE: See Jetro’s blog entry about how to make the trumpet here: http://technicbricks.blogspot.com/2010/09/week-techvideo-2010-38-nxt-trumpet-show.html
September 19, 201000 -
GPS Beta’s Are Released
The GPS makes it to Europe.
September 15, 2010 -
GPS Beta's Are Released
The GPS makes it to Europe.
September 15, 2010 -
dSolar Goes to Washington
The dSolar goes to Washington powered only by solar panels.
August 2, 2010 -
dSolar Release
dSolar will be released this week. See Lego-X's exclusive first look.
July 12, 2010 -
Measuring Body Heat with Dexter Industries Thermal Sensors
Brian Davis just wrote a great blog post on The NXT Step about testing the DI digital thermometers by measuring his body heat while mowing the lawn. The whole blog post can be found here.
May 25, 2010 -
dPressure Sensor
Lego-X has a great blog post about the soon-to-be-released dPressure Sensor. Check out his blog post about the pressure sensor.
May 12, 2010 -
dFlex Sensor
Dexter Industries is coming out with another new sensor for the Lego NXT Mindstorms system. This one will mimic the bending motions of your finger, or measure the bend of different joints. Check out the video! We wrote a quick program, tied the sensor to our fingers, and had an NXT Mindstorms Motor turning with the flick of our...
April 19, 2010 -
dSolar Leak
This week, we wanted to give everyone a small hint about what’s coming soon from Dexter Industries. We’ve been working for the past month on a solar power system for the Mindstorms NXT system. That’s right, soon you’ll be able to power Lego Mindstorms robots with nothing but the sun. Some pictures and a video of what we’ve been...
April 7, 2010 -
Does Cable Length Make a Difference?
Burning on the back of our minds one morning was just how our thermometers would perform with different lengths of sensor chord. The new Lego thermometer is limited, we’re told, by its IIC chords. But because our thermometer line is analog, the sensor should be able to reach much further. To test this, we took three open thermometers with...
March 26, 2010
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