Robotics Challenges for Python and GoPiGo
What are Robotics Challenges for Python and GoPiGo? They are five new robotics challenges for intermediate GoPiGo students. These challenges use interactive Python with the GoPiGo and contain over 20 hours of content exploring Jupyter Notebooks, data science, and the science behind robotics. The inaugural collection is comprised of five unique challenges, each including three core sections: LEARN –...
May 27, 202009 -
Using Online Bloxter with GoPiGo for Remote Learning
Finding ways to make remote learning with robots work. A huge component of the STEAM and Maker Movements has been bringing people together in shared spaces to use robots and tools that they may not have in their own homes. But side-by-side with you, Modular Robotics has been working hard to figure out how to make remote learning with...
May 4, 2020 -
How To Get Started With Robotics In The Classroom
This is a time of new beginnings, fresh starts, and a whole lot of chaos. by Lisa Rode, 6th Grade Classroom Teacher in Fairfax County, VA When starting a new school year or initiative, how do you add anything more? If you are not familiar with programming and robotics, adding “just one more thing” can be a bit intimidating,...
September 12, 2017 -
The GoPiGo at Club SciKidz Summer STEM Robotic Camp
With summer in full swing, STEM robotic camps are starting up all around the world! Students are using their summer to brush up on coding skills and learn robotics. Many summer STEM camps are using the Raspberry Pi to teach coding skills, and many this year are using the GoPiGo. We checked in with Club SciKidz, which is running...
August 1, 2017 -
July 24, 2017
July 13, 2017
January 4, 2016
December 1, 2015
Building Dex in Minecraft on a Pi
To celebrate our new mascot Dex, we made a hack to build Dex from stone in Minecraft on the Raspberry Pi. With a little bit of hacking we were able to write a Python script that generated Dex in Minecraft. Dex arises from the horizon with stone, one block at a time, with a little Python code. This process...
July 24, 2015 -
GoPiGo in Node.js and C
When we originally designed the GoPiGo, we wrote the software in Python. We did this because it’s an easy language to use and to learn. One of the major advantages of making open source hardware is that our community can help open up new things for our hardware. Folks have taken some of our projects and really run with them, making...
May 24, 2015
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