There’s this cool new thing, you might have heard of: the Internet of Things. You’ve probably seen lots of commercials from the likes of IBM or Samsung about how your dishwasher will be connected to your car, and your toilet will become wired to your telephone and your toaster will know your playlist.
The future is the internet of things!
The Raspberry Pi is perfect for the Internet of Things.
You can hack with it, you can make internet controlled homes, cars, tanks, and other robots. But to gain access to your Pi from outside your local home network and get your Internet of Things device on the actual internet, you have a few issues to overcome! Depending on your internet service provider, you could end up needing anything from a special service plan to special hardware.
No more!
Unleash the Internet of Things
Weaved has a very easy, free solution for Raspberry Pi owners. The service makes it easy to setup and connect to a Raspberry Pi . . . from anywhere. Want to SSH in from another country: no problem! Want to setup an app to control your Pi? Done! With Weaved, you can finally leave your house, and your Raspberry Pi doesn’t have to.
Weaved explains it like this, using a Raspberry Pi, a dude named Bob, and a goldfish:
We’ve been using weaved a lot here at Dexter Industries. It has really taken a problem that’s painful for us (getting to our Pi’s while we’re out and about) and made it super easy. We’ve tried it with a lot of our products, and we’ll be putting out some tutorials in the future withs specific projects you can do with Weaved, the Raspberry Pi, and the Internet of Things.
Using Weaved for Internet of Things Raspberry Pi Projects
So we wanted to share our experience and show you just how easy it is to setup, in our HowTo for Weaved and the Raspberry Pi. Setting up Weaved on the Pi is easy and intuitive, and our 10 step process could easily have been three steps, but we broke it down super-simple style.
So whether you’re connecting your toilet to the internet, or monitoring your fish, Weaved is going to make your project a lot easier and a lot faster to setup. Give it a try, ask a question on our forums, or tell us what you did with Weaved and the Internet of Things.
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